Uh, Live

Dreams come true, man. Sometimes it takes a while. Sometimes it happens in a flash.

The Reading List: Lonesome Dove

The Reading List is a segment of the blog where I let you know the thing I just read and some thoughts about it along with the next book in my list.

Enema of the State - 20th Anniversary

Back in 1999, I was a fourteen year old kid still listening mostly to stuff his parents liked and occasionally venturing into classic rock.

The Reading List: Not a Fan

_The Reading List is a segment of the blog where I let you know the thing I just read and some thoughts about it along with the next book in my list.

Red Dead Redemption II

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaW0tYpxyp0 There are games that I’ve played that have left an impression on me.

Reading List Update

If you follow along with my reading list, you know that I planned to read OneĀ ThousandĀ Risks by Chad Johnson.

The Reading List: John Adams

_The Reading List is a segment of the blog where I let you know the thing I just read and some thoughts about it along with the next book in my list.

The 30 Day Challenge

I alluded to participating in a 30 day challenge in my last post, and I promised to write another blog post about it.

Well, Hello There, 2019

“It’s the new year! Time for a new me!” - Tons of people everywhere


I saw Hamilton last night and it lived up to all the hype.