Today is the Day

Wed, May 18, 2005 2-minute read

Today is finally Star Wars day! Tonight at midnight I shall be sitting in a theatre with 3 of my closest friends and watching the fall of Anakin Skywalker. I’m so excited for this movie tonight it’s ridiculous. There are so many things that we all finally get to find out about. Who is Syfo Dias? Why do some Jedi become one with the Force? How does Padme die? It’s all so awesome! I really hope that I don’t overhear any spoilers while I’m standing around all the other hard core Star Wars geeks. Chances are that most of them have read every spoiler ever, the book, and the script that was released a few days ago. I have safely avoided any spoilers this time around so I pretty much have no clue what I’m walking into! And I’m loving it!!

I’m planning on doing an audio post while at the theatre tonight so look forward to that and we are going to take plenty of pictures. I was even thinking about taking my video camera and doing a little documentary thing but I don’t know about that. I might get tired of carrying it around, and I really don’t think I would be going anywhere near the theatre with that thing. So yeah, I’ll just not do that. But there will be plenty of pictures! This is going to be so awesome! Later!