Lacking Anything of Interest...

Tue, Jun 28, 2005 3-minute read

Nothing at all interesting has been happening these past few days. I would be posting more but now that the podcast is going strong, it’s hard decide what to post about and what to podcast about. I really would like to talk about everything but I’m saving everything that is really cool for the podcast. Anyway, I’ll talk about the good stuff that nobody really cares about on here…AKA: My Life. Ha! That’s what blogs are for anyway.

I just started my security classes at school. When I say security, I mean cyber security, not rent-a-cop style security. I never plan to wear a badge, unless it’s one of those that you get for working in the government that gets you into top secret places. Man, that would be awesome. These classes are really awesome though. We’re learning so much stuff about security that it’s kind of making me paranoid. The only thing about it is that we can’t install any programs on our computers unless we use it for class. This hindered me greatly from getting the podcast on the internet so it was a bit late. My project this week is to get music for the podcast so you guys don’t have to hear us talk about Peter John Ross on every episode so we don’t get sued.

Anyway, not much else has been going on. I got a 98 in speech, which I think is pretty impressive considering that I didn’t start one speech until the night before, and did one of them right before class. I got a great grade on it too. I guess I just knew what I was talking about so it was wicked easy to get a good grade. My teacher said I was very animated, which I guess is a compliment but I’m not completely sure. At least I got a good great! Woohoo!

I’m also reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix for the second time. I want to be all prepared for the next book that comes out. I love Harry Potter man. When I read the first book it really reminded me of Roald Dahl’s writing style. His books were awesome. It’s basically the same as James and the Giant Peach: Kid has cruel adoptive parents then finds happiness in a magical world. That’s the way they are..but it works! The cool thing about Harry Potter is, the book is for everybody. I find myself HATING some of these characters because they are about as mean as you can think, then others you just love. It’s great.

Anyway, I guess thats about it for today. I’m going to test out iTunes 4.9 now. It has Podcasting Support. I want to know what it takes to get listed in their library ;) . I am, of course, only going to install it on my Mac because I use WinAmp on my PC because it’s way less of a memory hog. Rock on!