Wed, Jan 1, 2014 3-minute read

It’s a new year…again. Congratulations to everyone for surviving another revolution around our big, fat, glowing star. We clung to this little, blue rock despite it trying to toss us every direction and just generally screw us up throughout 2013. When the rock wasn’t trying to kill us, our politicians were. No worries, though! This is an opportunity, like all others before it, to make a difference. We have a chance to do the things that we want to do, to set our goals again, to revisit the things we failed to accomplish, and to celebrate the things that went right.

earth9 Last year was a tough one for many people I know. We all suffered some heart break, tragedy, pain, and other things that no human being ever wants to go through. Look at you, though! You and I both came through unscathed and ready to tackle this next 365 days like the last ones never happened. Start fresh and wash away the things that are holding you back. Logically, yesterday and today are absolutely no different, but for whatever reason, we like to believe that January 1st signifies a time to reboot our lives and move on.

Throughout the last year, I saw a lot of the motivation I had for many things in my life take a nose dive. I spent a good while trying to figure out what to do with myself, letting things go, and desperately trying to cling to whatever it was that made me feel alive. This year I’m going to do my best to make some goals and actually reach them. I want to give it my best shot to do something awesome. Even if it doesn’t impact everyone around me. I want to set some personal goals for myself that can be achievable, measured, and actually mean something to me. One of those goals is to finish my 2013 NaNoWriMo novel, “Crooked Fellows.”

To further cement in my brain that this is a fresh start, Stephanie and I are buying our first real home. It’s a beautiful two-story colonial home, and I’m super excited to get in and start making it our own. We close on January 10th and I imagine we’ll just go in and sit on the floor dreaming of what we want to do with it. We have so many dreams and ambitions for what we want to turn our home into. I’ll be posting more on that in the near future. Hopefully we can start building a family this year also! I’m pretty pumped about that. I just want to try to raise some kids that are smarter, stronger, and better people than Stephanie and I. I guess that’s probably all any parent really wants, but we’ll see how it all goes!

It feels good to write in this blog again. Maybe I’ll continue to write in it this year. I can’t promise it will be every day, or even every month, but I’ll give it my best try! Here’s to 2014 everyone! Let’s make awesome things happen.