Sat, Jan 17, 2015 2-minute read

Well, last year went by fast! You didn’t even get to check out any of it! Thanks mostly to my complete lack of dedication to writing in my blog. I feel like that’s one lost year in my life that no one will get to read about. I have all kinds of notes all over the place, spread across multiple notebooks, so it’s not like there’s no documentation. I did exist! I just didn’t share any of my inner most thoughts with the internet in text form. If you really want to catch up with what in the world I’ve been up to, you can listen to Horseshoes & Hand Grenades. Lots of good stuff in there!

I didn’t accomplish some things last year that I had set out to do. I’m not sure why I can’t seem to pull any of my goals together. Lately I’ve been coming up with tons of ideas for awesome stuff, but I’m garbage at the execution. Not a whole lot matters if you can’t pull it together. My job is going really well, and I’m enjoying learning and doing some awesome stuff, but it’s the personal goals that are tripping me up. I want to finish my book! I just got texted from my mom tonight letting me know that she finished what I had done. She loved it! She’s also the kind of person that would let me know if there was some kind of weird point or something she didn’t like about it. That makes me feel pretty good about it. Maybe I’ll finish it this year.

And that brings me to what I need. I need some written goals. I’m going to go ahead and bullet point some things that I want to finish. That way, when 2016 rolls around, I can tell if I didn’t make it or not. Some of these will be more likely than others, but I’m just going to throw them all against the wall and see which ones stick :)

  * Get RHCE certification
  * Finish "Crooked Fellows"
  * Get super proficient with Docker
  * Write the H&H Coffee Table Bookk

I honestly think that’s a pretty good start. If  I can accomplish those things, I’d say this year is a win. Of course, I’m also becoming a dad this year, so we’ll see how that changes things. So pumped! My son will be born in March, and I can’t even begin to express how excited I am. This is going to be really awesome year :)
